Our Services
Project Management
VN Services Advantages CPM Scheduling Master Plan Timeline Owner's Representation
Contractor's Representation Project Auditing BIM Services
Owner's Representation and Program Management
As an Owner, we give you an advocate that understands the complexities of project delivery processes. We work for you! We champion and protect your needs throughout the entire project development and construction process.
Although all projects are different, a systematic approach can be applied to the process of managing any project. By working hand-in-hand with you, we offer you a partnership designed to ensure that your project succeeds.
Functions of Owner's Representative or Program Manager:
- Project Management
- Cost Management
- Time Management
- Quality Management
- Project / Contract Administration
Phases of those Functions:
- Programming & Funding
- Design
- Construction
- Post construction
Owner's Representative / Program Management Advantages:
- We are your advocate
- Systematic Approach
- Communication - control, time, scope, cost and quality
For more information, contact Richard Leach at leach@vn-services.com
or (440) 729-0514, ext 24. |